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Every closed prison is operating at least 10% below its recommended maximum capacity.
Safe custody limits ensure the safety of both prisoners and staff. Prisoners should not be detained in overcrowded conditions as it is unsafe and may result in detrimental consequences.[140]
It is important that published capacity figures reflect the lived reality in Irish prisons, and that figures do not distort that reality – for example, the impact on capacity as a result of closures for refurbishments of prison wings. The impact of overcrowding is reduced quality of living conditions, as well as adverse effects on prisoners’ privacy.
On 31 July 2019, official capacity of the prison estate was recorded as 4,244, including both closed and open prisons.[141] Prison occupancy levels based on official capacity was recorded at 95.7%.[142]
During 2018 and 2019, a number of prisons exceeded the OiP’s recommended capacity levels, on a regular basis.[143] Exceeding capacity has been a persistent feature for the two women’s prisons, Dóchas and Limerick Female Prison, which have operated at 110% and 163% respectively.[144]
In the UK, the Justice Committee defines ‘usable operational capacity’ as:
…the sum of all establishments’ operational capacity less 2,000 places. This is known as the operating margin and reflects the constraints imposed by the need to provide separate accommodation for different classes of prisoner i.e. by sex, age, security category, conviction status, single cell risk assessment and also owing to geographical distribution.[145]
Currently, both the OiP and IPS provide diverging capacity levels, as can be seen from Indicator S3.1. The OiP has not published or updated maximum capacity levels since 2013.[146]
According to information received by the IPS, close supervision cells and safety observation cells are not included in capacity figures.[147]
The IPS acknowledges that the actual number of beds in commission may not match official operational capacity figures due to factors such as renovation, window installation/replacement programmes and cells temporarily out of commission for maintenance reasons.[148]
On 16 April 2019, the number of usable operational cells across the estate was recorded at 3,149.[149] The prison population on the same date was 4,043.[150]
Indicator S3.1: Each closed prison operating at least 10% below capacity:[151]
Prison | Numbers in Custody 10th of April 2019 | Prison Capacity | % Bed Capacity | Capacity per OiP[152] | OiP Occupancy Rate |
Arbour Hill | 137 | 138 | 99% | 131 | 105% |
Castlerea | 319 | 340 | 94% | 300 | 106% |
Cloverhill | 421 | 431 | 98% | 414 | 102% |
Cork | 299 | 296 | N/A | N/A | Not provided |
Limerick (m) | 224 | 210 | 107% | 185 | 121% |
Limerick (f) | 39 | 28 | 139% | 24 | 163% |
Midlands | 854 | 845 | 101% | 870 | 98% |
Mountjoy (M) | 691 | 755 | 92% | N/A | Not provided |
Mountjoy (F) | 129 | 105 | 123% | 105 | 123% |
Portlaoise | 230 | 291 | 79% | 291 | 79% |
Wheatfield | 505 | 550 | 92% | 550 | 92% |
Total | 3,848 | 3,989 |
On 10 April 2018, three prisons (Portlaoise, Castlerea and Wheatfield) were operating 10% below IPS capacity. On the same date in 2019, Portlaoise was the only prison of the three operating 10% below both OiP and IPS published capacity levels.
Given the capacity levels outlined above, the vast majority of closed prisons are operating at unsafe levels. The CoE, in its White Paper on Prison Overcrowding, demonstrates the need to treat capacity levels above 90% as urgent:
If a given prison is filled at more than 90% of its capacity this is an indicator of imminent prison overcrowding. This is a high risk situation and the authorities should feel concerned and should take measures to avoid further congestion.[153]
In the past, other countries such as Norway have placed a large number of prisoners on a waiting list before they could serve their sentence due to a lack of prison space.[154]
Unsafe custody limits or overcrowding conditions in prisons lead to an elevated risk of violence. Overcrowding was previously identified as a critical factor that resulted in the death of Gary Douch in Mountjoy prison[155]. The Report of the Commission of Investigation into the Death of Gary Douch concluded that measures should be taken to reduce and eliminate overcrowding within a definitive time period. This recommendation is a reminder of the urgent attention required to ensure that all prisons are operating at safe custody limits.
The Commission of Investigation also emphasised the importance of reflecting true prison capacity:
Statistics on prison capacity should be presented in a manner that accurately reflects the capacity of a prison to house prisoners in accommodation which meets acceptable standards.[156]
As the limits set by the OiP were established in 2013, IPRT believes that these limits now need to be revised and updated. IPRT believes that the ideal safe custody limit should be one person per cell.
In 2019, the CoE held a high-level conference on prison overcrowding.[157] A key finding from the conference was that collectively, participants considered reducing overcrowding in prisons as a shared responsibility among prosecutors, judges, prisons and probation services, as well as members of the government responsible for the prison service.[158] A number of solutions were offered by the Nordic and Latvian experiences in addressing overcrowding, summarised below.[159]
Reducing prison populations is possible. Doing this requires long-term work, political will, careful law planning and drafting (including impact assessment on costs and benefits), as well as effective implementation among practitioners and effective follow-up mechanisms.
Reducing prison populations requires effective alternatives to imprisonment such as community sanctions and other measures.
Reducing prison populations requires measures to prevent recidivism and facilitate reintegration – for example interventions based on the ‘normality principle’, such as education and vocational training and treatment programmes.
The approach also requires multi-agency cooperation, including co-operation between prison management and other authorities.
Action 3.1 | In 2020, the OiP should review prison capacities and set safe custody limits for each prison. |
Action 3.2 | Legislators should consider introducing legislation that would allow governors to refuse to take prisoners once a prison exceeds safe custody limits. |
Action 3.3 | The IPS should publish figures that reflect actual prison capacity, taking into consideration the impact of closure of cells and wings. |
Prisoners should not be held in overcrowded conditions. Provision should be made for alternative community sanctions to address this issue. See CoE, Committee of Ministers, Recommendation No. R (99) 22 concerning prison overcrowding and prison population inflation.
World Prison Brief, Ireland, Republic of,
World Prison Brief, Ireland, Republic of,
IPS, Daily Prisoner Population,
IPS, Daily Prisoner Population, 4 July 2019,
See ‘Box 1: Prison population key terms’ in Prison Population 2022: Planning for the Future, 2. The prison population current and projected,
Office of the Inspector of Prisons, An Assessment of the Irish Prison System by the Inspector of Prisons Judge Michael Reilly May 2013, (PDF%20-%201.15MB).pdf/Files/An%20Assessment%20of%20the%20Irish%20Prison%20System%20(PDF%20-%201.15MB).pdf.
Information provided by the IPS to IPRT on 5 July 2019.
Information provided by the IPS to IPRT on 5 July 2019.
Information provided by the IPS to IPRT on 20 August 2019.
There are two operational capacities from the OiP and the IPS which are taken from 2019 Prison Populations. The OiP has not provided capacity levels for some prisons; see,
N/A refers to capacities that have not been set by the Inspector of Prisons.
CoE (2016), White Paper On Prison Overcrowding, Point 20, p.7,
CoE (2019), Report to the Norwegian Government on the visit to Norway carried out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 28 May to 5 June 2018, p.31,
Mc Morrow, G. Report of the Commission of Investigation into the Death of Gary Douch Volume One Executive Summary and Recommendations, and%20Recommendations%20(PDF%20-%20507KB).pdf/Files/DouchGary%20-%20Volume%201%20-%20Executive%20Sum- mary%20and%20Recommendations%20(PDF%20-%20507KB).pdf.
Ibid, p.37.
CoE (2019), High-level Conference on prison overcrowding,
CoE (2019), Key messages and conclusions of the High Level Conference ‘Responses to Prison Overcrowding’, p.1,
Ibid, p.3.